Thursday, July 7, 2011

Counting my Blessings...Don't you love to bless him?

When I count my blessings...

I have to count my amazing, dedicated, encouraging, godly best friend/husband!!!

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to partner with him here on Learning to Live a Surrendered Life!!!

Will usually writes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays...but he is very busy working on a BIG SURPRISE for all of YOU!  LOL  It is SO hard to keep it a secret!!!  

I also count it one of my biggest blessings to be able to BE a blessing to my sweet husband by helping him in any way I can!  

So I volunteered to do my part by filling in for him anytime he needed me to in our writing schedule.  So that's why you have been seeing me around more often this week!  He will be writing as often as possible but you will see me around a little more often than usual over the next few weeks.  

We really appreciate your patience as Will pours himself into this very special top secret project!!!

Aren't our husbands wonderful?!!  Don't you love to bless him?  What's one way you love to bless your husband?

Dancing with my husband at the foot of the Cross,

Mrs Mary Joy Pershing