Friday, June 17, 2011

Books and Blogs for the Journey

Lately people have asked me to share with them some of the books and blogs that I read to find encouragement on my journey of learning to surrender my daily life to God.  So we have decided to dedicated one Friday a month to sharing some great weekend reading ideas in hopes that you may find some encouragement on your journey as well.

I will be sharing one book and several blogs/websites that I have found encouragement on my journey this week.  I would love to hear about some that you found encouraging as well!

Today's Books and Blogs for the Journey focuses on ways that we can encourage our husband in his role as father as we prepare for Father's Day.

The first book that I must share is God's Word.  There have been times when I forget that this should and needs to be the number one book that I go to for direction, encouragement, teaching, comfort for every area of my life.  Isn't it amazing how much is here on how we can be an encouragement and support to our husbands?  Has to be my number one choice! 

I have a few different translations that I use and a few devotional Bibles that I have and use as well.  Today I will share with you the first Bible that my husband bought me while we were courting.  Reading and studying it has blessed my heart and my journey more that I can find the words to say...I highly recommend it!

Its "The Power of a Praying Woman Bible"  Prayer and Study Helps by Stormie OMartian. NIV  There is an entire section at the beginning of the Bible with helps on how to pray for our husbands in 31 areas of their lives.  A real blessing!

             photo credit

I would love to hear what Bible you enjoy the most so be sure to share in the comment section below!

Sometimes its easy to go to my favorite Titus 2, Women's Ministry, Proverbs 31, or Scripture Study sites before opening my Bible...I have committed to stop doing that.  First I open His Word...then I read about practical ways that God's Word has challenged and touched the lives of other women as they strive to be encourage their husbands in their role as fathers in their homes.

So here are some of the blog I read for encouragement in my journey...

Julie Sanders at "Come Have a Peace" always has something to say to encourage, challenge or inspire me.  


But this week's "Marriage Monday" article really spoke to my heart and helped me to see more areas we, as wives, need to surrender to the Lord.  

She called it..."Marriage Monday...Rate yourself from 1-10".  And its on my must RE-READ list as one to go back to often and re-evaluate where I am on my journey.  Sure made me think about how important my response is when my dear husband makes suggestions and ideas...just because they are not mine doesn't mean they are good ideas!  She uses Harriet Olsen from the old TV show "Little House on the Prairie" as an example.  Great read!

Another blog where I find encouragement for my journey as a wife, homemaker, and homeschooling mama regularly is: A Moment with M.O.M. by Mrs. Joseph Wood.  She is a dear lady and mother of 10 blessings!  She shares how God works in their lives it always touches my heart.

She shared an article entitled "A Moment in Training- Raising Children who are Mission Minded".  This is one that my husband and I could really relate to and glean some wisdom as we have been working on this very area in our family as we form our new family.

This is a great article that might help get the conversation started with your husband as you work together to determine the direction that you will take as parents with your children in being mission minded.  Mrs Joseph Wood respectfully reminds us that it will look different with each family and the importance of praying and working with your husband on this important area of parenting.

I would love to hear some of the books and blogs you read this week that you found helpful as you worked on being an encouragement to your husbands in their role as fathers in your homes.  Please share in the comments below!  Whether its one you wrote or one you read somewhere please feel free to leave a link to it so we can all check it out!  

Dancing with my husband at the foot of the Cross,

Mrs. Mary Joy Pershing

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