Friday, June 24, 2011

Books and Blogs for the Journey

This week I am going to focus on some of the books that I am reading right now.  I tend to have more than one book in progress at a time.  Even though God's Word is my number one read everyday...I really enjoy reading and learning from godly books that are based on Biblical Truth.

My husband and I are both life long learners.  In many ways...its a form of independent study or  "homeschooling" myself about homemaking, being a help-meet, my Christian walk, homeschooling, parenting, and so many other things. There is so much to learn as we learn to live a surrendered life.

I am still in the middle of all of the books I am sharing with you today.  I am really enjoying each of them and am learning so much from each as well.  I will be reviewing all of these books as I finish them so this isn't the last you will hear of them.  lol  I have included links to places you can purchase your own if you would like to check them out for yourself.

Here are the books that I am reading right now...

Question:  What are you reading this week?  I would love to hear about it!

Dancing together at the foot of the Cross,

Mrs. Mary Joy Pershing

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