Our home we moved into last year on our wedding day!
Hello! Welcome to our new home! As you may or may not know...we are still moving into our new blog home. But one of the beautiful things about hospitality is that its not about what your home looks like...its about helping people to feel comfortable and right at home. That is what we hope you will find here.
A place where you can grab a coffee, glass of iced tea or your favorite soda pop and sit back, relax, and take a moment to:
be encouraged,
be inspired.
A place where we can share our journeys together!
Our home isn't a fancy place where you need to be afraid to put your feet on the coffee table and our blog home isn't either...so go on...get comfortable! Don't mind all of the boxes and the pages we are finishing up...please excuse the mess...what is important to us is that you feel comfortable being yourself here...
You can count on us being our selves...the good...the messy...as we open our hearts and share the journey that the Lord is taking us on...
We are just an ordinary married couple who is passionately in love with the Lord and each other...some days are great days...humbly amazing!!!!
Some days are tough as we face the scary unknown of illness...financial challenges...and the challenges of becoming a new family as newly weds in our 40s with an almost 16 year old daughter (who we see as often as her schedule allows her to be with us), an eight year old son who faces challenges of his own and of course our youngest, who is three and full of energy, giggles, and did I say energy?
But can I tell you something?
There are days when we forget...and we try to do this journey with an "I can do this God." attitude...and instead of being lifted into the strength of His arms we fumble and stumble our way through. But He is there waiting...
The most amazing part is how God has and continues to use all of these challenges to help us to surrender more and more to Him everyday!! We draw closer to each other and cling to each other and our amazing God!
And when we do surrender...let him lead the dance...the freedom and peace He pours on each of us puts me in humble awe.
We serve a big God...HUGE actually! And He knows what lies ahead in our journey...He knows the lessons we must learn...the areas of our lives we must surrender...to be ready for the next step of our journey.
So even though we are both a "little" (uuuuhhhmm clearing throat sounds here) hard headed at times...God is with us...patiently waiting for us to get it...to just surrender it all to Him and let Him lead the way.
In this place...this new bloggy home of ours...we bare our journey to you...
Our journey as husband and wife...
Our journey as father and mother...
Our journey as son and daughter of the King of Kings...
We will offer our ordinary words to you as a testimony of the extra-ordinary, amazing work that He can do in your life...because trust me...if He can use us...He has plans for you my friend!!!
So like I said...even though we are still getting settled in and unpacking...make yourself comfortable...and know that God is always with you and ready to listen.
We thank you for joining us as we learn to dance together at the foot of the Cross...
Surrendering to Him Everyday,
Mrs Mary Joy Pershing
P.S. Be sure and leave a comment introducing yourself...and answer one simple question..so which do you prefer...coffee, iced tea or soda pop? I'm an iced tea or Diet Pepsi fan myself and Will loves all three!
If you are looking for more Christian Marriage Encouragement be sure to stop by Julie Sanders' "Marriage Mondays"...I know I did!
If you are looking for more Christian Marriage Encouragement be sure to stop by Julie Sanders' "Marriage Mondays"...I know I did!
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