Monday, August 1, 2011

New Website Launches Today, August 1st

Hello, readers!

Today is a very exciting day for Will and I!  We have spent the last few weeks preparing and are finally ready to share our special surprise with all of you!!!

Learning to Live a Surrendered Life has moved to its own (dot)com!

You can find us at:

Will designed the new website himself and created a wonderful one minute movie to welcome you to our new website home!

God is growing us in so many ways and we are thrilled to have this new location to stretch and share our journeys even more!

Please come join us for a month of new articles and devotions, great giveaways, new features and opportunities for our readers and opportunities to advertise your own ministries, businesses, or we celebrate the launch of our new website!

Just a note to our wonderful subscribers...Feedburner will only allow us to transfer the email subscriptions. If you subscribe to this Learning to Live a Surrendered Life blog site you will need to re-subscribe to the new website in order to continue following us in your e-readers.  We apologize for the inconvenience and want you to know how much we appreciate all of you!

Won't you come join us?

Dancing together at,

Will and Mrs Mary Joy Pershing